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How to fill a practical logbook for a tensile test experiment


Practical Logbook Entry: Tensile Test

Lab Partner(s):

  • To determine the tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation of a given material.
  • To understand the stress-strain behavior of the material under tensile loading.


  • Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
  • Extensometer
  • Specimen (e.g., mild steel, aluminum)
  • Vernier Caliper/Micrometer
  • Ruler/Scale


The tensile test is a fundamental mechanical test where a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. The data obtained is used to calculate material properties such as:

  • Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS): The maximum stress the material can withstand.
  • Yield Strength: The stress at which the material begins to deform plastically.
  • Elongation: The measure of ductility, calculated as the percentage increase in length before fracture.
  • Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus): The ratio of stress to strain in the elastic region of the stress-strain curve.


  1. Preparation of Specimen:

    • Measure the initial length and diameter of the specimen using a vernier caliper or micrometer.
    • Record the initial dimensions in the logbook.
  2. Setting Up the Machine:

    • Place the specimen in the grips of the Universal Testing Machine (UTM).
    • Attach the extensometer to measure elongation accurately.
  3. Conducting the Test:

    • Gradually apply tensile force to the specimen by operating the UTM.
    • Observe and record the load and elongation data until the specimen fractures.
  4. Data Collection:

    • Record the maximum load at fracture.
    • Note the elongation at the point of failure.
    • Remove the broken specimen and measure the final gauge length.


Specimen IDOriginal Length (mm)Diameter (mm)Max Load (N)Final Length (mm)% ElongationUTS (MPa)Yield Strength (MPa)
Sample 1
Sample 2


  1. Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS):

    UTS=Maximum Load (N)Original Cross-Sectional Area (mm2)\text{UTS} = \frac{\text{Maximum Load (N)}}{\text{Original Cross-Sectional Area (mm}^2\text{)}}
  2. Percentage Elongation:

    % Elongation=Final Length - Initial LengthInitial Length×100\%\text{ Elongation} = \frac{\text{Final Length - Initial Length}}{\text{Initial Length}} \times 100
  3. Yield Strength:
    Determine from the stress-strain curve or the point where permanent deformation occurs.


  • Attach the stress-strain curve showing the elastic region, yield point, ultimate tensile strength, and fracture point.


  • Material:
  • Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS):
  • Yield Strength:
  • Elongation:


  • Discuss the behavior of the material under tensile loading.
  • Compare the obtained results with theoretical values or material standards.
  • Reflect on any possible sources of error and suggest improvements for future tests.


  • Conducted by:
  • Verified by (Instructor):

This template should help you systematically record your observations and findings during the tensile test.


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